To locate information about this keyword, please select one of the subentries in the list.
Enter value
64 bit
address book
address book maintenance
AIO machines
All in One machines
All-in-One machines
Always use modifiers
APF Files
Application button
apply license file
archiving faxes automatically
Assign Group to selected contacts
auto import fax server incoming faxes
auto print incoming faxes
auto print outgoing faxes
Baud Rate
Bitmap Files
Blind Dial
busy signal
Cable Modem
Call waiting
Call Waiting Disable Code
calling card
Class 1 modem
Class 2 modem
Class 2.0 modem
Class 2.1 modem
Com Port
com port is in use by another process
comma seperated values
command line
command line supported file types
common address book
compatible modems
configure as client to fax server
Cover page templates
Creating a signature graphic
csv files
data grids
default address book
default password
Deleting records from the grid (log)
Designing cover pages
Desired Baud Rate
Detect Busy
Dial Prefix
Dial Suffix
dial tone
Dialing modifiers
Dialing speed
Digital Signature
Disable Call Waiting
Disable MS Fax
Disable Windows Fax & Scan
Distinctive ring
DSL Modem
Email Accounts
'Enable Interface to Fax Server'
Enable Transmission Logs
Error initializing modem
excel files
Excel Spreadsheets
export address book
express setup
false busy signal
'fast busy'
fast busy signal
Fax Class
fax from other applications
fax from scanner
fax receive mode
fax recipients
fax server
fax server data files
Fax Service Domain
fax switch
forward incoming faxes
Forwarding Faxes to email
Forwarding Incoming fax to email
Forwarding to fax machines
full screen viewer
Governing your workflow
grouping records
Hot Keys
how to buy
how to purchase
Image Annotation Tools
image markup
image viewer
Image Viewer Ribbon Tab
Import Outlook Contacts
import prior version
import version 4 data
importing address book
Importing Information from Snappy Fax version 4
Include Page data in transmission log
Include Unique Reference in Subject
internet fax service
invalid license
Jpg Files
Junk fax filter
Junk fax rejects
license is invalid
long transmission times
Manual Fax
Mass edit fax numbers
Merge Address Books
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft fax service
Microsoft Word
Modem Configuration
Modem Dialing speed
modem doesn't answer
modem failed to initialize
modem initialize
modem is in use by another process
Modem Reset Command
Modem Settings Actions
Modem type
modem won't answer
Multitech reset command
navigating snappy fax
Navigator Pane
network address book
no dial tone
no dialtone
Open Office
Open Office Files
Open Office Spreadsheets
Open Office Text Documents
Opening Files
Outlook as email account
Outlook recipients
override sender information
PDF Files
port in use by another process
Port Open Delay
Prepare Fax Job
primary address book
Print Address book listing
print fax confirmation
print status line
print to snappy fax printer
printing options
Publish to Website
Pulse Dialing
quick bar
receive fax mode
Receive Mode
Receive Mode on startup
receive mode scheduler
Redial Attempts
register snappy fax
Reject Fax
Remote submit
Remove this address book
Reset Command
Ribbon Tab
RTF Files
Save to User Database
Saving fax files
Saving pdf format
Saving tiff format
Scan a Document
scanner settings
scanning a document
security measures
selecting recipients
Selective forwarding to email
Sending a fax to snappy fax from Windows Explorer
sending fax from command line
server address book
shared address book
Shared Address Books
Signing a fax
Signing faxes
slow transmission
snappy fax main window
Snappy Fax Version 4
Software Flow control
Special Transmission Requirements
Submit fax to fax server via email
Super G3 modem
system requirements
tab delimited files
technical support
Text Files
Tiff Files
Transmission Log
Transmission Logs
Transmitted CSID
Use Caller ID
using Outlook as email account
using your scanner to send a fax
viewing a fax full screen
Wait for remote to answer
Wait interval on busy
Watch file format
Watch Files Supported file types
Watch folder
Watched Folder
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows Explorer
Windows Fax & Scan
Word & Excel Files
Word Documents
Word Files
working with folders
Working with the Fax server logs