To locate information about this keyword, please select one of the subentries in the list.
Enter value
add additional clients
Application Security
apply license screen
Applying your license after purchasing
Auto start when windows starts
Automatic Archive
Automatic Purge
baud rate
BLOB (binary large object)
caller id
Can it run as a service
Change Client Computer Name
Changing image thumbnail sizes
check for updates
Checked Out Status
Client Notifications
Client Priorities
Com Port
Configuring the Client Software
Database server
default security password
distinctive ring
Do I need the fax server
email account
error correction mode
exclusive access
Express Setup
Fax class
Fax File Storage
Fax Jobs are just sitting in the queue and not sending
Fax Options
'Fax Server Mode'
Fax Server Role
FaxAge credentials
Faxes Received
Faxes Sent
filter button
filtering and sorting
Forwarding faxes to email
General Forwarding
General Settings
Getting Started
Grid mode
Import From Snappy Fax client
Import Prior Version
Importing from Prior Version
Internet Fax Service
Junk Fax Filters
Junk Faxes
Large database rules
license file
Minimize on Startup
Modem Settings
Modem Status
modem type
Modem Usage
Move data to new location
Navigating the Main Window
Network Clients
Network Policy and Remote Access Role
Pattern Examples
Pending Jobs
Printing Options
Printing options modem
Publish to Web
Purchase and Pricing
Purge Fax Records
Relocate Data Files
Relocating Data Files
Remote Assistant
Remote Submit
Repairing Corrupt data files
Selective Forwarding
Sending tech data
SG3 edition
Show / Hide data view columns
slider bar
'Snappy Fax Client'
Software Updates
sort on multiple columns
Sorting and Filtering data views
station id
TCP Ports
TCP ports 12005 through 12008
Technical Support
Thread Errors
Thread Messages
Thread Status
To Fax Machines
Transmission logs
Utilities | Repair / Optimize Data files
'View transmission log'
Virtual Machine
Windows Server Versions